LemonTree.Connect Polarion - Optimized integration for systems engineering


for Enterprise Architect

Thank you for your interest in our webinar "LemonTree.Connect Polarion - Optimized integration for systems engineering" from 23.02.2023. We hope that you received valuable information and interesting suggestions for your daily modelling tasks.

You can download the slides here:

If you missed the webinar or want to watch it again, we uploaded the recording on our Youtube channel:

We also received many interesting questions about the contents of the webinar, here are some examples:

(1) On which EA versions does it work? Enterprise or do you need the cloud version?

  • Customers have quite old EA versions in use. However, we test with EA 15 and 16 and we recommend EA16! In addition, we prefer local EA project managed via version control (e.g. git) - but we can also provide a solution for other deployment scenarios including Pro Cloud Server.

(2) How does one identify/specify where the source of truth resides when "things" are shared in both Polarion and EA? 

  • For one type of Information always, one system is the source of truth. Elements imported from Polarion can only be imported and elements exported from EA to Polarion can only be exported. That means an element transferred in one direction cannot be transferred in the other direction.
    E.g., for requirements Polarion is the leading system - for Architecture Enterprise Architect is the leading system. We do not support a roundtrip, since it has not proven to be a good idea in the real world for tool integrations.

(3) Is it possible to import a "baseline" of requirements from Polarion?

  • This is an upcoming feature on the future roadmap! We are well aware that this is a needed feature!

(4) Can we use custom fields in Polarion to import in to Enterprise Architect?

  • Yes, simple custom fields of with basic typed (string, text, etc.) are supported, complex typed fields like tables are not supported.

(5) Which data is synchronized? E.g. will the "linked document" be synchronized, too?

  • Used Element types and their attributes are configured using an XML mapping. Simple properties like name, notes, author, etc. and tagged values of elements are supported. Complex data structures like linked documents are not supported for export.

(6)  Can you also make changes in EA and push to Polarion?

  • Not in a full round trip way - this intentionally not done! You can export elements to Polarion an only sync it in this way, but imported requirements cannot be changed in EA. We gather this experience in more than years building ALM and EA Integrations that a full roundtrip is not a good practice

The complete list of questions & answers is available below.


for Enterprise Architect

LemonTree.Connect allows users to synchronize requirements, model attributes, and links and references between ALM Tools and Enterprise Architect. This makes it even easier to navigate back and forth between two platforms while the development data is automatically synchronized.